Dietetic Technicians Subunit

The resources provided to DTRs and NDTRs. Programming for Dietetic Technician sub-unit members include:

  • The opportunity to connect with other DTR/NDTRs as a sub-unit on niche topics.
  • Content including past DTP newsletters within the DHCC website to help foster a collaborative community and resource sharing. 
  • A connected, collaborative community with year-round communication, specific NDTR/DTR content within the DHCC newsletter, and a member EML.  
  • Access to leadership, education and professional development through CPEU webinar trainings and co-developed educational opportunities with DHCC.
  • A voice that advocates for dietetic technician professionals within DHCC and the Academy.
  • Opportunities to Educate RD/RDNs within DHCC on how best to work with DTR/NDTRs.
  • A dedicated sub-unit leader within the DHCC Executive Committee.

It is important to the Academy to support DTRs and NDTRs and the Academy will continue to have NDTR representation within the HOD.

We welcome you as a member!