If you are not a current member, here are top reasons to join DHCC:
- Volunteer opportunities. Interested in being involved in the organization? Do you enjoy writing articles? Are you working on a research project? Do you have a program or form you would like to share? These are just a few of the ways you can help. Just contact us.
- Publications. DHCC has published and updated many resources over the years and will continue. We encourage members to volunteer!
- Website. Visit our website often. From webinar resources and newsletters to resources and updates, this is the go-to location for members.
- Awards and Scholarships. DHCC proudly recognizes and nominates exceptional members for national awards. Students are supported annually through the Academy Foundation's FNCE® stipend award to attend. DHCC has two scholarships for students that are awarded annually; and the Gaynold Jensen Memorial Continuing Education award administered by the Academy’s Foundation. The Distinguished Member and Emerging Leader Awards are presented annually by DHCC. DHCC also offers stipends for FNCE® registration, the CSG exam, and our annual virtual conference.
- Educational Opportunities for CPEU's. DHCC offers free webinars to members. The events are archived and can be accessed by members at a more convenient time if you are unable to listen to the live event. Workshops held before FNCE® are always full of relevant information provided with nationally recognized speakers. We welcome ideas for new educational sessions and speakers.
- Connections newsletter and our monthly News to Use. Our newsletters remain a top-rated member benefit. Our publications provide members with current information regarding regulations, trends in our industry, and new research. Free CPEU's are offered for feature articles.
- Electronic Mailing List. Have a problem resident? Have a question regarding dining policies? Need feedback on a recent survey? Submit your question or comment and our members will answer!
The #1 reason to be a DHCC member?
- NETWORKING! All of these resources result in a myriad of avenues to connect and consult with professionals that share the same challenges and opportunities.